A major construction products company was looking for a fresh way to connect with building products professionals visiting the Greenbuild 2013 trade show and the general public to raise brand awareness on the streets of Philadelphia, PA (where the event hosted). I developed the direction for this campaign, including a new set of core visuals and messaging to translate the company's family of brands in a meaningful way to connect with these audiences, most of which had never heard of the parent company's master brand name. I led our creative team to execute all supporting show visuals based on this vision—exhibit graphics, vehicle graphics, a web sitelette with email and social media campaign, print advertising, bus shelter graphics, public transportation billboards at the airport, and video shown in taxi cabs throughout the city and at baggage claim at the airport. Various metrics captured pre- and post-show confirmed both audiences noticed and reacted positively to the approach, effectively raising the company's visibility with potential customers and the local community. Additionally, employees who were involved with the trade show on a volunteer basis commented on their excitement with the new communication approach and that the campaign made them proud to work for the company. This project received a PLATINUM Hermes Creative Award in the Integrated Marketing Campaign category for 2014.